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Shiffrinová šíri lásku. Aj v tvrdej konkurencii sú možné veľkorysé skutky

Americká lyžiarka Mikaela Shiffrinová chce vniesť viac lásky a porozumenia medzi ľudí a preto sa zapojila do charitatívneho hnutia Kindness Wins (Láskavosť víťazí).

15.05.2020 09:37
Mikaela Shiffrinová s otcom Jeffom na snímke z... Foto: SITA/AP, Nathan Bilow
Mikaela Shiffrinová, Jeff Shiffrin Mikaela Shiffrinová s otcom Jeffom na snímke z novembra 2015.

Táto nezisková organizácia si dáva za cieľ prichádzať s priateľskými iniciatívami, a to aj v súťažných situáciách, ako sú rôzne športové zápolenia.

Myšlienku Kindness Wins iniciovala americká tenistka Madison Keysová. Hnutie chce byť strešnou organizáciou pre iniciatívy v oblasti šírenia myšlienok priateľstva a vľúdnosti, chce pracovať s profesionálnymi športovcami a ukázať, že aj v takomto konkurenčnom prostredí sú možné skutky veľkorysosti a súcitu.

Pozrite si tento príspevok na Instagrame

I’m so excited to announce that I am joining @kindnesswinsfoundation alongside @madisonkeys as one of the founding champions! I am an introvert by nature, and it has taken a lot of work just to develop any level of a comfort sharing myself and my life with the world, especially on social media. I actually feel like my sport and the media have been a tool that have helped me become more comfortable with myself, but I also have seen and felt how the media and the internet can have an incredibly negative impact on peoples’ confidence and self-worth. As social media platforms grow, cyber-bullying continues to escalate—people often say incredibly hurtful things while hiding behind their screen—but I do believe that the online world has the potential to be a place of positivity and support rather than a hub for cyber-bullying and we have the ability to make that transformation happen starting with this message of spreading kindness. One of the mottos my dad lived by was ‘Be nice, think first, and have fun’—and I will take that with me throughout my entire life. My parents both instilled in me that I should treat other people who I want to be treated and, even more importantly, to hold others accountable for the way they treat those around them. For this reason and more, the Kindness Wins’ message has resonated with me. I love that this organization is structured as a collaborative engine for kindness and will provide a platform for me and other athletes to pursue our own Kindness projects within its framework. Being kind will never go out of style, and I really believe that we can have a powerful impact on society in spreading this message. I’m looking forward to exploring and announcing my own passion projects that I will pursue with Kindness Wins. Meanwhile, my first official act as one of the “Founding Champions” will be participating in Kindness Wins Day on May 22—a day where we will recognize and celebrate acts of kindness that we find inspiring, and I encourage everyone to participate along with us.

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Mikaela Shiffrin ⛷ (@mikaelashiffrin),

Prvou spoločnou aktivitou hnutia je online aukcia, z ktorej výťažok pôjde na boj proti pandémii koronavírusu.

Shiffrinovej vo februári zomrel otec Jeff. „Jedno z jeho životných kréd bolo ‚zostaň milý, mysli na iných a zabávaj sa‘. Budem sa snažiť riadiť týmto mottom celý život,“ citovala trojnásobnú celkovú víťazku alpského Svetového pohára agentúra APA.

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Mikaela Shiffrinová s gitarou.
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